chapter 1:
once upon a time there was a girl named Shanna,that is me ,anything ways back to the story,she slang since she was little she sang beautiful she sang on key, on the same exact rhythm her mom gilah said she sang awesome then as Shanna grew up she additioned to be a real live singer.
Chapter 2:
Shanna got so famous everyone said this girl is awesome, they said omg it is really her, she was feeling so special she was blushing all over the truth is that she followed her dream like she said she always would.
Chapter 3:
(last chapter)
Shanna was awesome she loved her so much she went on stage all the time she was all over the radio stations, nobody ever got tired from her and that was the true story of Shanna was famous. THE END!
Author: Shanna Devan Weissman