The Adventurous Adventures of the One and Only Original Sidney Crosby *note: this is not a screenplay on here, but it was originally when I first wrote it out! :) When Jimmy Howard wants to take over the NHL, Sidney Crosby teams up with his buddies Jonathan Quick, Antti Niemi, and Patrick Kane. But, Jimmy also has some players to help him out! Will Sid and his friends have enough power to stop Jimmy and his sidekicks from taking over the NHL?! *Written in the 2012-2013 season, so players might be a bit out-dated. PG for mild action and rude humor *If this was a movie, it would be in animation; picture this story in animation (like Frozen)--it'll make sense later on in the story ;) 2014 International Family Film Festival Youth Fest! Screenplay Winner - Best Sci-fi/Fantasy Category 2015 Canada International Film Festival 2015 Award of Excellence Winner - Screenplay Competition ®: AAOOOSC! #1 has been registered under the "Writers Guild of America" #ProjectSuper **4.2K views and counting on hockeyfanfiction.comAll Rights Reserved