So this book is a ton of ship one shots and imagines! I'll be doing Destiel, Sabriel, Adamandriel, Euriarty, Johnlock, and Mystrade. I am, however, open to any other ships that you'd like (Other than any type of incest) and I'm open to requests, so just send me a dm and I'll start working on it for ya! Just send me a message with the ship and your idea.
This will contain smut, angst, and fluff so just read whatever ones you want, ig. Fair warning, this will be the first time I've written smut, so please don't judge me or anything. Also I'm not very good at writing fluff either. It's angst that I love best so. Yeah. Have fun lol
I don't own any of these characters as much as I wish I did. They belong to the amazing Sherlock and Supernatural series' so go check them out on Netflix if you haven't seen them. If you have, go on and rewatch them, it doesn't hurt (physically, at least). And then Go On AnD wRitE yOuR oWn FiCs!