When the ruler of all of Nostalgia, Sir.Park The Third, dies. Who will finally take over the land and rule over for him? Especially when all he has is a single daughter, Park Chaewon. Who could barely fend for herself.
So with this, there is a battle. A battle for the throne. Where all 5 tribes of Nostalgia come together, in a battle for the royal throne in place of Sir.Park The Third.
In a series full of obstacles, danger, adventure, risk and more, that will determine the final winner, this was truly a breeze for anyone.
But as struggle, romance, feelings, pressure and more, easily get in the way of things. How will this competition end?
And who will win the battle for the throne?
#1 In Lipsoul
#2 In 2jin
You know I love you so...
A 2jin fanfic. I do not own any of the characters and all of this is just from my imagination.
Be aware that English is not my first language.