I still don't know what this story is truly about. Well I know it starts as a Fanfiction, that's sure.
It may be about myself and what I feel now at 25, in the middle of a covid19 nightmare, wishing for a good future and wandering about how my prince charming should be so that I'd be totally satisfied. I've always enjoyed writing stories that would come up to my mind thanks to a song, or a mood, or a sunset, or an argument with my mother.. After years collecting stories of all sorts I thought it was time to compress them all into something tangible.
So here I am writing this story that I wish I will finish and not just trash it into the forgotten, as I always do. It will take time I guess to create something that has a proper sense, that's why you'll see random chapters with a "question mark" as title. Hope you'll help me cope with it so that we could make the story of our lives, and not just mine.
I chose Dominic Sherwood as my "Prince Charming" because I mean, how could I not?
I've always found eyes heterochromia pretty intriguing and as soon as Dom gained his place in the show biz I just thought "where have you been hiding all this time?!".
I am totally open to any suggestion.
I love you so much, you who spend your time reading my work !
With all my love,