A student named Suzuki Ai, transferred in a school in Tokyo, she lives in
Osaka, Japan, her parents are currently in England because of their jobs.
She is now living with her aunt Jamie. Jamie has always cared for Ai, she took
care of Ai, like a daughter.
It is Ai's first day at school, she was so nervous, she couldn't hold it in, but thanks
to her aunt, she calmed her down before going to school. Ai rode the train near to her
She arrived at school, she seems to be the center of attention, until she saw a guy
who seems to be extremely popular.
He is Takuya Jinn, he is loved by many, he seems to find Ai to be interesting, he treats her
like no one else, he loves her.
Ai accepted him after he saved her from being stalked, she thought of him to be very charming.
Until there is a love triangle....how will this turn out to be? Will their love last forever?
Jealousy - Romance - Comedy - Battle