Villains rise from the dead, out for revenge on those who defeated them and to conquer the world. Doing so, they form an unstoppable alliance. Meanwhile, Percy Jackson and friends are living their hidden lives, oblivious the impending danger, Jim Lake Jr and company are being hunted by the Arcane Order, the X-men are in hiding, living in the shadows, the Avengers are gone, Thor out with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Steve being a grandpa, Tony and Natasha dead, Clint depressed, Bruce retired, and the other Avengers recuperating in their own lives, Hominum and Avantia in ruins from the past... the only thing left being bones and ruins.
I'm gonna say some pointers in case you're confused.
• I haven't read Beast Quest for a long time so I don't know every book.
• Jim is still Half-troll, Merlin is still dead. (I have not watched 3Below yet so anything that happens in there is not included in there, except for Aja and Krel and their relationships)
• This happens after Avengers: Endgame, ToN, Wizards: Tales Of Arcadia, Summoner: Battlemage,
• Tom and Elenna are 13
• All mutants are still alive
• Hominum And Avantia are in King Arthur time
• Avengers Quicksilver is dead but X-men Quicksilver will replace him
• I have no idea what happened to the changelings so I'm gonna put them as 'alive on earth' status
"Kaan sana kurban olsun" dediyinde kendinde olmadığını anladım. İçmişti!
"İçki mi içtin?" sordum yinede..
"Seni istiyorum" duyduğum kelimeyle dünyam yıkıldı.
"Benim olmanı istiyorum"
Hayır yapamazdı dimi?
Bana zorla dokunamazdı?
Hemen panikle kollarından çıkmaya başladım ama o beni kendine daha da bastırdı.
"Şşh" elini dudağıma koyarak susturdu beni "söz acımıycak" diyerek üstüme çıktı.