"Shu, don't do it."
"It's okay, unnie. Don't worry about me. You know I love you right?"
Soojin looked at her in the eye. She believes her.
"Don't think about it too much, and just focus on what's important."
"And that is?"
"Your relationship with Hui oppa, silly unnie." Shuhua glazed her finger on Soojin's chin. "What I want most in the world is to see my Jinjin happy. Because I'm happy when you're happy." Even if it's not with me.
Shuhua stood up. "Now go, unnie. I'll settle this on my own. When you're back, everything will be alright, I promise you."
"I can't thank you enough, Shu."
"You can. Just cook for me for the rest of our lives and we'll do just fine jin-ah"
"Come here, you."
Shuhua felt how important this is to Soojin as how the older hugs her so tightly. Before releasing her unnie, she tightened the hug and leaned in even closer, it's as if, she's consoling. Not Soojin, but to the feelings she has for her. This will be it. She looks at Soojin's back as the woman waves her hand, exiting through their apartment door.