Agora Casperda, a young little girl living south of the city. Her family lived as if they where poor.
When she got older she learned to feed the animals, pigs, horses, dogs, cats, sheep, and goats. Then milk the goats and cows, groom the horses, dogs, and cats. She always had something to do with the animals.
18th birthday coming around the corner, Agora running down the stars and then one leap to the kitchen then a slide on her cozy wooly socks. "I'm eighteen you know that means?" Agora's younger brother Eric said:
"It means your eighteen, you get to blow out eighteen candles. What an accomplishment" he said applauding with a straight face.
No matter how rude his comment was she delt with it always.
"No Eric."
Agora's mother, jane, with a hand full of motivation,
"Eric be nice to your sister don't ruin her day."
"Thank you mom" Agora said proudly.
"Any way mom what time are we going to leave? I can't wait"
"Just go get ready then I'll tell you." Jane said with a smirk.