Have you ever wonder of falling in love. They said timing is important when it comes to every decision that a person might decide for his/her life. How can you say if it was the right time?. How can I say if he was the one?. There's a lot of thinking to do and I do not want to risk every bit of the accuracy that my decision is right. I do not want to waste my time in that Love that was too magical in my thought. I do believe in love, but I don't see myself as one of those people who stated that meeting the love of your life is the happiest moment that every human being will treasure for the rest of their lives. I am pretty sure that if it was the happiest moment then it will also be the saddest moment and I do not want that. There is too much on my plate for that thing to be added. When is the right time? for that thing. I don't know, maybe my next life.All Rights Reserved