How Final Is God's Last Judgment?
Precise, up to the minute. Always right and exact. Fair but never flawed. Decisively righteous. Correcting with loving kindness and tender mercy.
His Wrath invoking outright Fear. The evil and wicked ones downright skurrred.
Is Hell real?
Hell yeah. No extra terrestrial shall be spared judgment or able to put on the next celestial one. Reservations for one in particular, already made for the Lake of Fire.
For vengeance and recompense belong to Him.
Can God be delayed, or persuaded? Does He ever show us His hand, or always send us a sign? Is judgment hidden or on full display?
Most importantly, how is our ability to discern Scripture, distinguish what's already been written, prophesied and preached from the pulpit skewed, manipulated and distorted by Fear and False Prophets.
Properly dividing the word of the true and living God, as the Bible instructs, should always beg the following, as a guide.
• Who is God talking to?
• Who is God talking about?
• How does it correlate to other books
• What time period, age or dispensation is being covered?
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Holy Bible remains one size that fits all. As it is, and shall be for the last Salvation of the Saints, Disciples and Believers alike, in the coming Messianic Age, under the new Covenant and Church with Christ at the head.
The catastrophic nature of current events gives clear confirmation America is under God's judgment. Our Heavenly Father provided as a set of instructions to navigate these end times to better days ahead.
The Last Judgment offers direct insight into the questions above as to save souls encourage recompense and much more in this multi-part short series written by Young Sage, as revealed through the Holy Spirit.
Part 1: Message To America
Part II: The Last Trump
Part III: Black America Matters
Part IV: Message For The Church
Part V: TBD