Earth, roughly 6000 years from now. A dystopian, yet advance world, ravaged by nuclear war, belonging now to the descendants of an ancient alien civilization that no longer exists. This story tells of two young friends who want to make a difference in any way they can. . . This story was written based upon a dream I once had some years ago. It's a thrilling tale of love, loss and life. action packed from start to finish! . . This story is currently being corrected for typos and continuity errors. It will be released as it's finished. This story is not yet complete and may be subject to correction down the line. A new part or two, will be released every few days. . . WARNING: This story verbally depicts some graphic violence. . . Update! The original story is finished! Revisions are done. Edits are in progress however. Everything after Part 62 is new! Written recently! I hope you have enjoyed the story so far and what's yet to come as new chapters are written!
62 parts