Phineas was Kidnapped at a young age for unknown reasons by Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz. When no one could find the Flynn kid, they assumed him dead and had to continue with their lives. To make sure no one knew about Phineas, Doofenshmirtz convinced the boy that the world was full of terrible people who would shun him because he was ugly. It kept him hidden from everyone, including Agent P., since he believed anyone other than Doof would reject and hurt him with half a glance in his direction. Doof couldn't, however, stop the boy's imagination from running wild. Meanwhile, Mrs Flynn remarried allowing another boy a similar age to Phineas into their home. While Ferb Fletcher had an incredible mind and could do anything asked of him, he lacked the imagination to be able to use his extensive gifts unless told what to do. When Isabella Garcia-Shaperio, their neighbor, came by saying her Fireside girl troop was going for their: Help thy neighbor patches, she asked Ferb to alter a TV to show them someone they could help and where to find them. They were surprised to find a charming boy their age, verbally abused by a father figure into believing he was ugly, longing for just one day to walk among his fellow humans rather than looking at them from so far up. How will Phineas react to other humans? Will the gang of kids be able to grant his wish? Or will fear keep him down? Could Phineas be the missing puzzle to their family?