The house was nearly 200 years old but for some reason, the house looked brand new. No one had touched it for over decades but it liked it was just built. It was famous for a bunch of but two out of the thousands of rumors were the reason people stayed away from it. The black-eyed children and Ruth Chadman ( the girl who lived in the house. She was pretty she had blonde hair with perfect pink lips ). It's funny how when Ruth died she said she saw black-eyed children she died a week later and she said she lived alone. They say she died of a heart attack but Ruth was completely healthy and get this when she died her eyes were red. The inside was completely trashed and misshapen, and the only room that stayed intact was Ruth died in aka were the children play. They say it's filled with dolls with black eyes and carved smiles, the dolls are made out of wood, and the children are dress in 21st-century clothes. People say if one of the dolls look like you, you'll disappear without a trace or you have an attack in your sleep. The room was bright pink with wooden floors and this creepy rocking chair that rocked non stop. Apparently, if you're lucky you won't see the woman and black-eyed children in the closet watching you but if you do notice them they say you they kill you but that's a piece of crap until it happens to me. Hi my name is Maggie and I was a victim of Ruth and the black-eyed children scary right but t wasn't how I thought it was going to be. READ The Rest if you want to know what Maggie was talking about.