This story revolves around Emma, a heartbroken girl. She got her first heartbreak from Daniel, a guy whom she's been dating for over a year. For what she thought is true love wasn't within Daniel, but with one of her close friends, Jax. He comforts her during her heartbreak and apparently becomes her boyfriend. Will he care for her or give her another depressing heartbreak? This bad boy seems like trouble... or not. From one way to another, despite their differences, they discover they belong in the same heart.
Emma Alonso and Jax Novoa, everyone's favorite couple. But both peoples exes just have to come destroy it all. Plus with so many people jealous of Emma and her powers, they have to face them all together. Some times there love gets bended along the way but, they will still love each other.
First part of story on Fabinnashippers account.
I don't own the show Every Witch Way.