chapter one: once upon a time there was a boy named Peter and man named captain nuggets captain nuggets thought he could do what ever he wants to do on the ship. He ruled everyone but peter. Chapter two: peter was trying to save everyone on the ship that was being ruled by captain nuggets it was so surprising he came out of know where. Anyways back to the story peter could fly with his little friend twinkle she was so tiny u can barley see her.peter was with a group of hard work on friends that can help defeat captain nuggets. Chapter three: Peter went off with his special sword he carries around in his little pocket. He tried to sneak up on captain nuggets but he was to distracted looking and thinking what we are going to do about howtgey are going to do about getting twinkle out of a any thing proof except for key.Finally captain nuggets died and Peter got twinkle out. THE END!! author:Shanna Devan Weissman plz follow me.