"It's not you, it's me."
If I was more blunt, and less polite, and not emotionally blind, I would replace those 5 words with: "Just, no."
I've always thought of myself as someone who loathes relationships. I can think of many excuses that have popped into my brain when faced with the mind-numbing situation that is "being confessed to," such as: It's too early. I don't even know you! Or perhaps, they're... just not the one. But, I think I'm just trying to distract myself from the real issue at hand. It's me.
I'm not ready. Despite all the novels I've read, the movies I've watched, and the many years spent watching my parents' own healthy relationship, I'm just. Not. Ready.
So, while I wait for the (possibly impossible) event to arrive where I AM ready, I would love to share all of the times where I have questioned my "readiness." It's quite a fun assortment.