Increase the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioner in Brooklyn In the event that you are searching for the most excellent AC repair service in Brooklyn at a reasonable price, you have gone to the ideal spot. In the event that your focal air framework has been making strange sounds, has not been cooling your home appropriately, or has demonstrated different markers of an expected issue, it is essential to act quick to determine the cause. Our group at Lavelle V Ackerman Plumbing and Heating Corp Plumbing can help! Lavelle V Ackerman Plumbing and Heating Corp. Website: Address: Street 3807 Pride Avenue City Brooklyn State NY State Full: New York Zip Code: 11223 Phone Number: 718-353-7171 Mobile Number: 520-528-9720 #ackermanplumbing #plumbing #plumbingrepairs #plumberAll Rights Reserved