AUTHOR'S NOTE: IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN END OF SEASON 9 DO NOT READ THIS!! SERIOUSLY!! DO NOT!! (Have you looked away if you're not caught up?) This is going to be graphic, we all know what they are planning for Season 10 so I am bringing my dark A-game here. Dean is a Demon, he's going out to play. This is starting after the end of Season 9. Demon Dean sees things in a new way, no consequences, no loyalties, no family. He likes it that way but he knows that Sam won't exactly be won over to this new point of view. Sam is his only real threat, no one knows him better. The First Blade is singing to him and what better way to cut ties with his old life than to truly cut ties. Sam knows just how far gone Dean is and he knows that following the patterns from the past will only get him killed. Dean is a Knight of Hell and has become the monster that they have always hunted. Saving Dean may not be an option but Sam's not quite ready to give up just yet. The files of the exiled Men of Letters member Magnus gives him an insane idea. An idea that may just give the brothers a chance to make a choice, together. FYI: You may want to read Darkened Warriors, Lost Spirits if you haven't already. There will be a link.All Rights Reserved