32 parts Ongoing ‼️The Burlesque Lounge and Crossing Over have moved to their own books and are no longer in this one‼️ they will be under the same name on my profile ‼️
Mostly just Peter Parker and field trips to various places where the Avengers and co. are. Will include one shots I post onto my Tumblr @fourteendaysinaweek along with aus I think of/see that I like.
Will include various ships and shit, like Peter and MJ, Peter and Harley, Peter and Ned, Stucky, Clintasha, T'Cham, Shuri and MJ, etc. I will NOT do st*rker. St*rker shippers can fuck off.
An amendment is that I will no longer be writing parkner. It's a ship I no longer ship but I will leave what I've written up and publish/edit what I have of them, other than that, that is all. I have a full time job and a partner and so I'm sorry about the recent lack of updates x