Plot: Meet (Y/N) Sivana, the eldest son of The Sivana Family. He has been chosen by seven mystical demons that looked like something from a nightmare and they are called The Seven Deadly Enemies of Man (Lust, Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed and Envy). (Y/N) has gained the power of the wizard's staff and all of its powers (The Wisdom of Solomon, The Strength of Hercules, The Stamina of Atlas, The Power of Zeus, The Courage of Achilles, and The Speed of Mercury). (Y/N) traveled apon the DreamWorks Trolls Universe to help a beautiful hot pink happy female troll named Princess Poppy to save her friends from the evil Bergens. Trolls harem x male reader. ⚠️ WARNING!⚠️ There will be lemons in this story. I do not own DC Comics or DreamWorks Trolls. They had their rightful owners.