It takes place in the distant future. Years after the possible events of Deltarune, where the world of Deltarune or mainly the "light world" Earth, has adapted into a world where it's at brink of war. While the world was slowly growing paranoid of what's to come next. The events prior to the start of this journey have already been unfolded. Not alot of details have been shared through media, as it's classified information. However, you are about to jump into the eyes of a familiar face. But... let's just say they aren't gonna be the same as you knew before. This Story is made as a form of new AU "Alternate Universe" crossover fanfic for Deltarune and Metal Gear Solid, where at the time this is released, Chapter 2 hasn't been released yet. However! With so much to speculate and theorize what would happen next, I thought - Why not make an AU, mind you it's headcanon, and not actually made by Toby Fox nor Hideo Kojima. I'll include tracks from other videogames for the mood to match the read, marked by [This]. Keep in mind that with what I have for now, I may have to include new characters that aren't from the original Metal Gear, Deltarune, nor Undertale. OC's as they are called. I'll try my best to make the characters on point to their characteristics, and personality. So let me know if I made any form of 'Errors' and or 'Out of Character' moments. I'll be glad to fix them. Here's the link to the playlist. The only steps you could do is, when the song name matches up with the one in the story, play it until it says No track which just means pause, if it then says the same named track then resume or if it's a different name then before then push next. [Not Available Yet] Basically : No track = Pause Same track = Resume Different Track = Push Next So this is a non profit fanfic only for the sole purpose of expressing another story to tell. All of the Characters, and Music belong to their respective composers.All Rights Reserved
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