How to cancel Hawaiian airlines flight ticket? Its very difficult to cancel the booked ticket but passenger take the right technique and follow the rules than get maximum benefits after the cancellation.just follow the below mention step to cancel the flight ticket: 1.Visit official website of hawaiian airlines. 2.Now,tab on manage booking section and then select my trip option. 3.Enter booking reference number and last name. 4.find recent booking flight ticket and hit cancel button. 5.After cancellation,you will get the confirmation over the phone or registered email id. Hence, passengers can easily cancel their flight ticket with hawaiian airlines. Before making a cancellation first know about the hawaiian airlines cancellation policy. Passenger have to cancel flight ticket before 24 hours of flight departure time. cancellation charges may be vary on distance,seat,class and other. For more you can contact on phone number to get the customer support help. SOURCE: Rights Reserved