In a twisted land plagued by monsters, demons and the dead, a mythical world of fantasy collides with your worst nightmares...
The day a worldwide cataclysm struck and the planet fell into darkness, Fifteen-year-old Eron Osiris awakens to a primitive version of Earth , a world where most of the population has been transformed into malformed beast and mythological creatures. . .himself included.
Realizing he is no longer completely human and has scattered memories, he searches for survivors of the apocalypse and comes upon a town crawling with the Undead. There he is rescued by a powerful young woman who, like him, was turned, but knows fully how to access her newfound power; a girl who knows how to survive and slay the monsters that lurk in the shadows and is in search of a mythical relic tied to her past in hopes that it will fill in the missing pieces of her memory.
A dark power plagues this world, and using their knowledge and instincts, they set out on a quest of wonders, horrors, and survival.
Do you have what it takes to survive this dark age?
"Anima: Dark Age" Copyright © 2014 By Khalel Rawle
The moral right of Khalel Rawle has been asserted. All rights reserved. This story is published subject to the condition that is shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. All Rights Reserved
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