There is HARDLY any Happy Heroes fanfiction (in English) on the internet, and so I've decided to make it myself. I know you know the feeling, especially if you are using an online writing platform to browse for fanfiction of a Chinese cartoon whose English-speaking fanbase is fairly small in the west and therefore doesn't have a lot of fanfiction (in English) about the cartoon. (There is an...okay-ish amount of Happy Heroes fanfiction in Chinese available on the internet, but you'll either have to be fluent enough in Chinese or use a translator to read them. I personally have to use the latter, and it's annoying to say the least.)
I might do requests in the future, but definitely not now.
(I think) This is going to mainly be comprised of oneshots and fix-fics, though I will try my best to have some variety and include angst, fluff, and hurt/comfort. I maybe even occasionally add AUs and fusion/crossovers. For now, I'll stay away from shipping. No NSFW is going to be included (unless it's some gore) and no swearing for that matter either.
Last thing: MAJOR SPOILER WARNING because like I've mentioned before, I'm doing fix-fics, and some scenes I'm re-writing contain, like, EXTREMELY vital plot points so if you haven't watched whatever part of an episode or movie I've rewritten, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you don't read it until you've watched said part of an episode or movie. I've placed spoiler warnings at the beginning of those individual chapters too so you'll know what to avoid. Thank you for reading this description.