Alex's wife leaves him with their 3 month old son, she doesn't want to come back. She doesn't like life, and she wishes she'd never been married or had a child. She wanted to go back to life how it used to be, and she wanted to start fresh. She'd signed the court papers for the divorce, and he signed them too, because all he wanted now was his son. She willingly gave him up with no fight, not questions asked, and he didn't dare ask for child support. He wanted her nowhere near his boy. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? It was May, and they'd be touring the US in a fucking month.
Alex didn't understand how a person could even do that. He couldn't fathom the mere idea of up and leaving your own family, especially when his parents had walked out on him. Alex was raised by his aunt, who sadly has now passed away.
All Alex has left is his son, his band and his best friends/bandmates, namely his best friend of all, and the man he'd been in love with throughout high school and most of their adult lives, Jack.
Alex was bisexual,and he often fought with his wife about how he'd been with Jack multiple times, when things just worked out for them, and how he cared more about Jack than her. In most ways, she was right. That's not to say that he didn't love her. He did. Did being extremely past tense.
Maybe he and Jack would find their way back to each other with all of this madness.
DISCLAIMER: this story in NO way represents Alex's wife IRL, she is a WONDERFUL human being, & I will not be using her name at all in this story, as it is nowhere near about her. The Taylor in this story is NOT in reference to Tay Jardine either.
There may be some talk about self harm.
I own none of these characters, except Mason because he's my own creation. I do not own Jack, Alex, Rian or Zack, or any part of All Time Low & their crew & people who are associated with them who may or may not appear.
(for my own memory, Mason was born 2/21/17 & 8/24/17 for Jack & Alex anniversary)
"I need a room for a night?" I ask the lady at the check in desk at the hotel.
She didn't question the tears running down my face, or my phone buzzing in my pocket like crazy. I made a scene, and now I have to lay in the bed I made. The bed Zack and I made.
"Yes ma'am, I need your credit card on file."
"Here you go." I hand her my card and give her a small smile.
"Have a nice night." She hands me the card and keys, and I'm just glad I had my phone charger and my credit card.
I get another call, and it's Alex, I decided to take it, "Hey." I say, as strong as I can.
"Thank you for finally answering, are you okay? Where are you?"
"I'm just straight in town, I'm in a hotel. I'm fine. Is he okay?"
Alex has a little sister, and she learned to keep quiet. Not because he wanted her to, but because she wanted nothing to do with the public eye. Maybe it was the boyfriend too, she didn't know.
Now she's working for All Time Low, trying to moce on from her life that she wants to forget. She wanted to forget how bad she was treated, how awful she felt. Finding love, was never in the plan.
She didn't look for it, but it looked for her. Love finds you in comfortable places, when you need it most. It comes with a layer of Protection.