this is like version got talent all cross over AU Multiverse got summon into some stadium there a lot Multiverse people
judge-deku,sonic,slenderman,sans and chris afton since those characters are main character
the people Multiverse watch is the big 3 team,inko,mitsuki,pro staff teachers,pro heros,todoroki family,jiro family, all mha family,all might old master,all for one,shigaraki,and some creepypasta member,William afton,Michael afton,clara afton,cream the rabbit,vanilla the rabbit,rouge the bat,sonia the hedgehog,manic the hedgehog,papyrus,asgore,asriel,undyne,alphys, mettaton,grillbys,fell papyrus,fell toriel,fell asgore,fell mettaton,fell Undyne,fell Alphys,fell asriel,fell grillbys,swap paps,swap Alphys,swap toriel,swap asriel,swap muffet and swap asgore
contestants who performed-bakugo,todoroki,kirishima,kaminari,shinso, eri,kota,mina,Sato,Aoyama,Shoji,Ojiro,Toru,Sero,Momo,Uraraka,Tsuyu,Tokoyami,Iida,dabi,toga,tails,shadow, silver,blaze,knuckles,amy,jeff,toby,ben,masky,sally,lizari,jane,Elizabeth Afton,all sanses,frisk,chara,fell chara,fell frisk,fell chara,swap frisk and swap chara
الشقة 333
"نعم كانت هي.. كانت نفس الشقة التي بدأ بها عذابي.. هكذا وقفت امامها ذلك اليوم قلبي ينبض بجنون ابحث عن الحب الذي لن اجده فيها يوماً .. بل وجدت بدله نصف الشيطان الذي كنت انا احمل نصفه الاخر..
اجل كانت حياته بين يدي وكان موتي بين يديه
سلسلة وحوش بشرية
الكاتبة : أصالة روز