This story follows the Experiences of a boy who was orphaned and taken in by the earth Dragon Terrakion, His village was attacked by Dragons with him being the Only survivor, He was then Given the Option To Live in the Kingdom Ruled over by the Earth Dragon and learn Earth dragon slayer magic, Time goes by and he gets accustomed to his new life, but peace will only last so long, the next thing the boy knows More Dragons have come and invaded the Earth kingdom, a repeat of what had happened to him a few years prior, but the next thing he knows, everything goes black and he wakes up in a new Era with Unfamiliar Surroundings, This story Will be be a Crossed over, It takes place in the same verse that @Themanofcultures "Void dragon slayer" takes place in
"The Dragon That Changed Everything" Rimuru X OC Character
32 parts Ongoing Mature
32 parts
A dragon floating in the infinite void drifting into the part of the void where Veldanava was creating the world as he put the finishing touches, a deal was made, seals placed and a world to explore. And in the future a certain slime and his manas examines the void itself.
Ciel examining the void finds a door that Veldanava closed and viewed it as a challenge. Unkown's to her that the world beyond the door has a power even stronger than her master, what chaos will occur when the gate is opened?
Please note that some tags will be added as characters are added to the story.
#1 in shakugan at 1/28/2024
(Cover is temporarily but its from a manga I enjoyed reading)