35 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye YetişkinTwo baby girls are rescued, smuggled away in the middle of the night and are thrown into a world without their parents to guide them, the one good thing is that they have each other, they were taken together and left together, they grew up together and formed a bond that no one could break.
But what if their lives were supposed to be different, what if the world they grew up in wasn't their true home.
Fate steps in and through some bad choices and wrong turns, the girls, who are now adults fall into a world that seems so familiar. The dangers ahead are unknown, but the bond they have will protect them and make them stronger than even they realise.
Their pasts will be revealed and the longing and dreams they have will suddenly manifest themselves with some shocking consequences.
They will be thrown into the deep end and will be shown a life they were supposed to have, they will love, laugh and learn a lot about themselves, their families and their heritage.
The past unfortunately will never be just that and a force from that will immerge which will threaten their entire existence and make them stand up and take charge of their own destiny.
"No no nooooo not again pleeaaasssseee not again, she's going to kill me she is definitely going to kill me. Why do I pick them???? How the HELL do I pick them???? do they pick me??? do I have a tattoo on my forehead that says FUCK ME OVER.
She sighed, Tash is going to kill me she thought. Tears stung her eyes as she made her way towards the flat they were sharing, they had moved there only 3 months prior, they had found jobs, they had started to build a life, why did she always have to spoil everything.
She looked up at the window and the light was on, "CRAP" she hissed she was hoping that Tash had gone to bed and she could have snuck in and quietly cleaned herself up before she saw her, she hadn't a choice she had to go in and face her, Blue sighed and squared her shoulders, let's get this over with, she thought."