This is a short story about someone going through a hurricane. And it is really referring to depression and what it's like for some people. Others may have never experienced depression and think they can relate to what you may be going through. But until you have experience it yourself it's hard to really grasp the reality of depression. It's important to bring awareness to to mental health and to let others know you are there for them. Remember, most of the time we don't want advice or to be told it's not that bad. We just need someone to listen to us. To sit with us as we go through it. Let them know they aren't alone. If you are in the eye of the storm just know the end is coming. I know it doesn't seem like it or that it will be forever. But find someone to talk too. Don't let go. You are important and you will be missed. The world would be a darker place without you. I love you, God loves you, and you can get through this time.All Rights Reserved