It is said that the stories we don't tell are often forgotten. And call me a narcissist prick or someone with poor memory and a sleep problem, but I have decided to write this confession/diary of my fairly dramatic life at 2 am in the morning. I understand that the title is barely interesting but I hope to find a clickbait title soon when my mind doesn't have way too much going on it for it to have a career defining test the next day and eyes which are heavy with sleep but can not. I am yet to define the names of the characters (which are very very close to real life me and my friends) nicely so that I can write "any correlation to real people is purely coincidental" (it most certainly is not), this is an autobiography/confession/diary all wrapped very vaguely in one. I have shamelessly taken names out of Marauder Era and I hope someday I can compile this into a masterpiece of a fanfiction. But till then, let's hope my life's drama is able to sustain your interests. Love. xAll Rights Reserved