In a world where a secret society gives willing soldiers a highly advance robotic upgrade, Igson Haynes finds himself lost between two causes of rival factions. The Order, or The Enemy Faction, which is the good side?
*This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, locales, or incidents, are a product of the author's imagination or otherwise used in a fictious manner. Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, or any events, are purely coincidental.
*This story is based off of a D&D 5e campaign that I am currently running.
*I am just a novice author (and DM) , so please forgive my grammatical mistakes, plot holes, spelling mishaps etc. and any and all constructive criticism is accepted with a welcoming heart.
Kilo's Journal Entry:
Tomorrow we arrive back to Cennet. Our supply of food is scarce. Our home, our people will starve if we don't come back with a plentiful supply of food. Plane, the captain, already pinpointed where we need to go. Key and her brother, Boof, are in the weaponry gathering any kind of weapons and essentials that we need for tomorrow. As for me, I have to make sure we come back in one piece.
I've said my goodbyes to my family, already had a drink or two with my friends. Everything has been taken cared of. Tomorrow we return back to Space's Greenhouse in search of fruits. I carve strawberries but now it's not the time to be picky. Any fruit will do.
End of Entry.