The story follows after the nine tails attack, both Minato and Kushina survived the attack. On the same hour triplets are born( Mito, Memma, Naruto) each child holds a percentage of the kyubi's power with Naruto containing 60% and the twins with 10% each and Kushina having the other 20%. The Namikaze-Uzumaki household receives the Prohecy of the chosen child of prophecy from toad sage Jiraiya but will they choose wisely. After receiving the prophecy is revealed, a man that Minato thought was dead came back into his family's life ( Me as Minato's elder brother Aizen Namikaze) The story follows a normal Naruto neglected story, but with me around the story will take a better turn for the life of Naruto. This is my second story that I will writing alongside with my other story Naruto Rising.
8 parts