this is a question each and everyone of us have been asked ,one time only order from one person to another, it has been said, it's reserve which word deserve name having curve, it is for celebrity 0409 TT who have got no ability of financial stability who can't even afford the unity so bansal liability so who are you do I have to use an iPhone to sit on a front row, I've been said many are called but few are chosen, it does not matter with you are facingAlmighty father is the one that will do it for you,they said go exercise your franchise and on getting there I discovered that the vote has already been decided without me,even when I talk they say why am I talking they do not want to hear all I want to say all they want to hear it also donpay weather the tick tick tick pop is this a hot hotel, won't commit a crime and is real rings a bell they said by him, the other commit a crime and it's not in the whole of things they said jailed him