You think that you can never suffer because you have everything you need to survive ,but just when you realize that maybe...just maybe, our life can never be perfect, you discover there can be little obstacles( Like stealing) when then, you also find out that there are even bigger obstacles heading your way. Never underestimate the darkness because usually, there is never hope finding its own way. More than half of the population of the USA has Ebola and since you know that the government has the cure to this, you think that he'll cure EVERYONE or at least 1/4 of the population...right? are DEAD WRONG... LITERALLY... you get it... DEAD wrong.... c'mon it's a classic joke... never mind, anyways, the reason the government doesn't want to cure ANYONE is because he wants to steal more property from those who die with Ebola and steal their money as well. To make things worse, the government sent all his polices, army, and FBI to kill all HIS citizens that have Ebola. Could things get any worse?