Tansabelle Margaret is an average human girl who attends Claybell Academy, known by its studenst as the School of Freaks. The student body consists of paranormal beings, from vampires to werewolves to werecats and to mermaids, and many more. There's always excitement and drama around every corner, making Tansy's life crazier by the minute. Even so, she's happy living amongst the paranormals. The thought of leading a normal life is foreign to her. Everything is absolutely perfect.
Until she discovers a demon angel.
Seven-year-old Kasey Freelock has mysteriously appeared on campus. He resides in a hole at the base of a tree, waiting for someone to free him from the emotions tormenting him. He's part of a set of twins, born from an angel and a demon. He is the angel. Traegon is the demon.
Cursed by a psychotic warlock, the twins were converged into one, Traegon's mind trapped inside of Kasey. Kasey's body itself has also changed, half of his appearance belonging to his twin. If that weren't bad enough, they're both slowly dying.
Tansy struggles to break the spell, but at the same time she's trying to sort out her love life. A vampire, a werewolf, and a werecat are both vying for her attention, but she's too confused to make up her mind.
Who does she really love?
Will she fail to save Kasey and Traegon?
And will she finally look past her vulnerability and bring out the strength within?
After all, in a paranormal world full of powerful beings, she's only a human.