When a life of living with high expectations, staying safe and sound, to be risked when Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, brings a large group of foreign students from the country of America, in the Wizarding Worlds hardest times after the fall of Lord Voldemort . (Y/N) Fletchers is a fifth year in her house of pride and courage, Gryffindor, accompanied by her older cousin, William or as she calls him Wilbur, and her friends meet students from the cities of New York to Orlando to California, and more.
With sports and school is (Y/N) going to be able to compete with the new teammates and other players in quidditch or will she lose the season, and bring no win to the house of Gryffindor.
Will (Y/N) get not hurt in her 5th year, or will she get trapped? Are all friends and family trustworthy? Can betrayals lead to deaths? Can enemies become friends or foes?
(!All rights of the Harry Potter franchise belong to J.K Rowling!)
(Hogwarts AU + Other MCYTs)