"Frozen Rose" unfolds in the fantastical world of Remnant, where ancient tales and modern adventures collide. The story follows the life of Y/N Shcnee , a mysterious and enigmatic figure who arrives at Beacon Academy, a renowned institution for training Huntsmen and Huntresses. However, Y/N isn't an ordinary student; he harbors a dark secret that could change the course of Remnant's history.
As the narrative unfolds, we are introduced to the charming yet troubled Y/N, who possesses a semblance of immense power-one that could rival even the most seasoned warriors. Despite his quiet demeanor, he quickly captures the attention of Ruby Rose, the spirited and fearless leader of Team RWBY.
As Y/N navigates the challenges of Beacon Academy, he forms unexpected bonds with Ruby and her team, drawing them into a world of mystery and danger. Alongside them, he battles the nefarious forces that threaten the peace of Remnant, all while struggling to keep his own demons at bay.
The story is a blend of action, romance, and mystery, with each chapter unraveling new layers of Y/N's past and the true extent of his abilities. From thrilling battles against Grimm creatures to tender moments of friendship and love, "Frozen Rose" offers readers a captivating journey into a world where heroes are forged in the fires of adversity.
As Y/N's story unfolds, readers are drawn deeper into the complexities of his character, rooting for him as he battles both external foes and the shadows of his own past. "Frozen Rose" is a tale of self-discovery, friendship, and the enduring power of hope in the face of darkness-a story that will leave readers eagerly turning the pages, craving to uncover the secrets that lie within the frozen depths of Y/N's heart.
Legendary Knights (Reader x RWBY) Volume 1 [COMPLETED]
16 parts Complete Mature
16 parts
The White knight of Ice and the Red knight of flame, are known to be Immortal
beings and the strongest huntsmen on Remnant, said to be even stronger than the Fallen Maidens or even the Silver Eyed Warriors.
After defeating the Dragon
Grimm, it retreated cowardly. They later tried something new! they both combined their glyphs and created a portal to another world, but It's been 800 years since they both left the planet Remnant.
The knights decided to stay on another world to learn their cultures, way of life, and traditions. Soon they discovered that their immortality is being drained away by the world they were in, called Earth.
As Centuries go by, they soon got married to two beautiful women and soon the both had a child of their own. Soon their children grew and was later on sucked into a portal by a mysterious villain. What future lies ahead of those two young boys?
(Disclaimers I don't own RWBY is owned by Roosterteeth)