Perseus, prince of Septuron, has been captured. By who, you might ask? By Luke, Crown Prince of Pendrane. He suffers disgrace and dishonor at the hands of his enemies, before finally being sold as a slave. But despite all of this, he won't break. He won't give his enemies the satisfaction of breaking his spirit. He will fight! He will fight for his people, and for his kingdom.
Annabeth, Princess of Pendrane, doesn't know what to think. She has always known where her loyalties lay. That was, until she saw the despicable acts of her brother. She knows she should hate the barbarian prince, the handsome Percy, but she slowly starts to realize that maybe, just maybe, she might love him. Hers was the kingdom that destroyed his, that took his pride and crushed it. She knows he hates her and has every right to, but in the most hidden part of her heart, she dares to dream that one day he could love her the way she does him.
Percy didn't choose her.
He chose his career over Annabeth.
What if time had decided to show him what his life would be like if he had chosen her over himself?
Over his selfish desires?
What if?
~Percabeth AU~
(All rights go to Rick Riordan, I do not own anything)