25 parts Ongoing Once upon a time, in a small, sleepy village nestled between mist-cloaked mountains, there lived a young girl named Lila. She had hair the color of spun gold and eyes that sparkled like the sea on a sunny day. But despite her radiant beauty, Lila's life was anything but perfect. After her father passed away, she was forced to live with her stepmother, Agatha, and her two step-sisters, Miranda and Felicity, who were as cruel as they were beautiful.
The three of them took pleasure in tormenting Lila, forcing her to do the most menial chores while they pranced around in their fine dresses and played with the finest toys. Agatha, with her stern green eyes, would scold Lila for the slightest mistake, while Miranda and Felicity would giggle and roll their eyes at their step-sister's lowly status. Lila often found solace in the quiet woods behind their home, where she would weave flower crowns and chat with the woodland creatures, sharing her secrets with the wise old owls and playful squirrels.
But one day, Lila meets a random stranger in the woods, and her old crush comes back, causing more problems in Lila life than she expected,