Hello there, this story is based off of a dream I had last night.
It wasn't really that scary to the point I'd wake up.
So, today, I'm gonna make a little story about what happened.
Hopefully you all enjoy.
Welp, I'm gonna give you a little (more like huge) description now.
This story is about two girls who wanted to have a sleep over with their three friends. So, they make a sleepover and their friends come over and stay the night.
One of the girls hear screaming. So, she decided to go and check it out, to make sure everything was okay. First she wakes the rest up.
When they got there, their other two friends look like they have seen something.
One of the girls ask if everything is okay, and what happened.
One of the other friends say in a scared toned voice that they needed to go back inside and quick.
If they didn't, something was sure to happened badly to them.
They all go back inside and went to sleep after a while. The two that were out there, went out to the same place again, like something was making them go back.
The other friends just stood there in silent. They swear they've saw something behind a tree, not too far from where they were. They tried to run back to the house then something happens-
One of the girls inside wakes up and wakes the other two up. She says she heard more screaming. Once again, they go check what's going on.
They see a shadow from where their friends saw the shadow.
Then boom, they hear a voice telling them to "leave" "run" "get out of here quick"
The girls were hesitated to go and check it out, but decided to run back up to the house, they see one of their friends' jacket and the other ones necklace, that was crossed shaped.
Then back in the house, the girls try and go back to sleep. Hoping that they were dreaming.
They hear the same screams that sounded like their friends from the last time.
But then it stopped, the noise stopped.
Everything was just...silent.
They go to the porch again, and nothing was there.
"What is this" he asks, his voice is calm, but his expressions is anything but that.
There were multiple gasps in the room, when he suddenly flings the magazine's he has in his hand
what has me in daze were not the pictures but the title
Atticus Fawn to be wedded to Autumn Rivera
" I am getting married to a women, I don't want to marry. "
I try hard to fight the ache in my heart caused by his question. I knew he was not in love with me I was the one in love with him.
"Have some respect to your future wife and daughter in law of this family" His mother snaps
Atticus takes a step toward his mother his eyes flashes Anger " the only women I will marry is Anya, no one else. "
He doesn't say anything after this as he stroms out of the room.
my eyes follows him until I can't see him anymore.