Dipper had always had these weird dreams that came true in a way. He started thinking that these dreams just might be visions of what's to come. Never in a million years did he think that there was someone much more powerful than Bill Cipher. Someone who can take on Bill and win without using their own magic.
An giant black hand came swinging down towards Cipher. Bill braced himself and looks over. He grins.
Dipper jumps awake and his hand immediately goes to his head, rubbing an oncoming headache.
"I just can't see pass that part. Just what is happen?" Dipper whispered to himself. A knock came to the door and Mabel pokes her head in.
"Hey, Dipping Sauce! It's time to eat! You ok? Your dipper mark is glowing again." Mabel said and Dipper runs a hand under his bangs, rubbing the spot.
"I'm fine, Mabel. I'm just trying to figure out this dream again." Dipper said, flashing her a wary grin. Mabel gives him a look before brightening up.
"Ok, Brobro! Breakfast is on the table! I'm heading out with Pacifica! See you later, Dipping Sauce!" Mabel said and closes the door. Dipper's smile falls to a frown as he lays down.
"Alright, Cipher. Let's see what you're scared of." Dipper said and closes his eyes as the dipper mark dims and another constellation appears, just below his hair line at the back of his head
تدور القصة حول قوة رابطة الإخوة وكيف يمكن للحب بينهم أن يكون طوق النجاة في أوقات الشدة.
عندما تواجه الأسرة حادثة كبيرة تغير حياتهم، تتحول العلاقات من حب وحنان إلى توتر وصراعات، وتُبرز القصة كيف يمكن للضغوط والأولويات أن تؤثر على النفوس وتُثقل القلوب دون أن يلاحظ أحد، وكيف يمكن أن يكون أقرب الناس إليك ابعدهم.
ورغم القسوة والخيبات التي تفرقهم مؤقتًا، تُظهر القصة كيف أن وجود من يحبك بجانبك يمكن أن ينتشلك من اليأس، وكيف يكون للأمل النصيب الأكبر في رحلة التعافي.
إنها قصة عن الألم، الكفاح، وإعادة بناء الجسور المهدمة بروح الحب والتسامح،
الغفران، وتحمل المسؤولية، مع إبراز مشاعر الحب والخذلان والصراع بين الماضي والحاضر.