Nearly forty years ago, an organization named, "Team Plasma" promised to separate people and Pokémon forever. At their helm, a trainer with unbelievable will. He preached that humans did not deserve Pokémon, and that Pokémon would be better off without humans- that humans were inherently terrible and did not deserve Pokémon. The trainer truly believed in his heart that liberation was key. Thus, the legendary Pokémon, Reshiram, chose him as the Hero of Truth. The Hero of Truth thought himself unopposed- until a trainer from the far stretches of the region appeared. She believed people and Pokémon could live together in peace. She knew people did not deserve Pokémon, but by choice did they live together in harmony and bring out the best in one another. So, the legendary Pokémon, Zekrom, chose her as the Hero of Ideals. The Hero of Ideals prevailed in her battle with the Hero of Truth- she proved Pokémon and people could be as one and live as such. The heroes disappeared into time, leaving no trace of where they went. But that's just how the story goes, right?