Rose Marie Belle, a kind yet clumsy Gryffindor witch was starting her third year at Hogwarts. Deemed different from many, people teased her with the nickname, Beauty. What she thought would be a better year took its twists and turns. From a new professor predicting the unimaginable, to learning new things, to secrets coming out. Thinking her life was set at first, it turned out to be the opposite. For not taking warnings, she soon find out listening would've been the better option. Though her life throughout the years changed drastically somethings seemed to stay the same, she was smart, brave, kind, caring, clumsy, and daring. Adding new friends to old would bring up her past and the lies she had been told. Even so, she still tried her best to push through. While this happened, feelings began to rise for someone she had not known for for long. Slytherins called them, Beauty and the Beast.
⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️: no, this is not a third year getting together with a professor 😂 (the first few chapters are introducing everyone. Lupin is innocent throughout it, feelings don't start till she's of age)
What if in the fall of 1991 another student had been sorted into Gryffindor? What if that student had immediately become best friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione? What would happen to her and her friends by the time He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose back to power? What secrets would she be forced to reveal in order to survive?
The storyline is the same... with a potential for romance? New relationships mean new complications... what will Elizabeth Rosier's past mean for The Boy Who Lived?