DOCTOR WHO: Book 1 - Braxiatel Incorporated
8 Partes Continúa Contenido adultoA new take on the Tenth Doctor where, following The Parting of The Ways, the Ninth Doctor regenerates alone while Rose is safe in Cardiff. Martha is Ten's first companion. All continuity from An Unearthly Child to The Parting of the Ways is intact.
Following the 9th Doctor's traumatic regeneration, the 10th is alone in his TARDIS as it spirals out of control toward Earth in 2011. Still dressed in his predecessor's clothing, the Doctor has little recollection of his identity.
UNIT, meanwhile, investigates a macabre trail of missing patients from Hertfordshire Hospital. Headed by Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, the team is disturbed to find that each patient was a volunteer of an experimental treatment, oddly named 'Braxiatel Therapy', where the internal physiology of each deceased patient has been drastically altered. Adding to the oddities at Hertfordshire Hospital is a nameless patient with no name but two hearts, now in the care of Martha Jones. Forming a bond with the charming, but unusual patient, who refers to himself as 'The Doctor', Martha finds herself quickly embroiled in a murderous web of unethical medical research that will change her life forever.
Enlisting the help of Martha Jones, the Doctor is intent on learning more about the radical treatment offered by Hertfordshire Hospital, its creator, and the creator's link to Gallifrey or, more disturbingly, the Doctor himself.
This is the debut novel of the rebooted Tenth Doctor Adventures.