In the small castle town of Erwood, in the country of Amarios, magic is considered evil. It has brought nothing but pain and misery for the people of Amarios. It's the king's job to find these mages, and kill them before they can reproduce. King Leofwin's ancestors have long ruled and kept the people of Amarios safe from mages. He plans to keep the legacy going. Amarios is 1.093 million square miles, rectangular, and bordering 3 other countries and the Brishon sea on the eastern edge. A mountain range borders the northern edge to the sea. Right where the mountains meet the sea is where the rare white roses grow. People have lived here since as long as anyone can remember. Most people are educated, and have enough power over themselves so the king can focus on protecting them and not about keeping peace. Erwood is a happy community, most of the community are farmers that work just outside the town and sell their crops in the town. They haven't had an incident with mages since King Leofwin's grandfather was in rule. Something is coming up, something scary, something the people of Erwood or even Amarios isn't going to be prepared for. King Leofwin's younger brother, nearly unheard of, Prince Phyrravyn, is a mage. How can the king kill his own brother?