How To Deal With Grief. ( Introduction) By Maymoona Stranger . قل انما أشكو بثي و حزني إلي الله • "Say: I surely complain of my grief and sorrow (only) to Allah.. (Surah Yusuf) Grief; A part of our lives that's like death, none can escape it. No one that has come into this vast world, neither anyone to come has ever been free of some sort of anxiety or trouble including all Ambiyā عليهم السلام and Sahābah Kirām رضي الله عنهم. Allah tests everyone differently in his infinite wisdom, based on their levels of faith, abilities to bear the grief and so forth. Nonetheless, our beautiful religion has given us guidelines along with direct and indirect parables in the Qurān and ahadeeth with regards to coping with difficulty.