Ever since Berlin Sanders tried to commit suicide last year and was sent away everything about her changed. She transformed into a depressed teen to a perfect girl. Her best friend Ashton thought it was his fault that she did it. Berlin thought she'd come back and everything would be the same. But He changed too, lost his virginity, started a band, named a song after Berlin, Cut her off from his life. Berlin tries so hard to rekindle their relationship back together but it's getting even worse since Ashton's band mate and best friend Michael fancies Berlin. When all everyone wants to talk to Berlin is her past when all she wants to do is be there for Ashton, because she lost her only friend when he needs her most. Berlin goes out her way by trying to fit with Ash's crowd. Sneaking out late, smoking pot, getting drunk, grades dropping, hooking up, losing friends, having fun. She's risking it all to get Ash back, to make him see that it wasn't his fault.