22 Short Stories from Gravity Falls
26 Bagian Lengkap A collection of 22 short stories from Gravity Falls, Oregon.
In these 22 stories, you'll take a trip to the time before Dipper and Mabel came to the town. You'll get to hear stories we never got to hear from the summer of 2012. You'll get a look into the lives of our beloved characters after that faithful summer. And you'll even get to read a story about the man who made Gravity Falls itself...Alex Hirsch, which is partly based of ACTUAL events from the time when his show was on top of the world.
This is, I'm afraid to say, my LAST fanfic for Gravity Falls. It's been an incredible 2 years, writing stories for this incredible show. But it's now time to move on to new things.
But at the same time, I may return one day ;)
This story is therefore, the cherry on top of the cake that is, all of my stories (which really are nothing compared to the show itself).
Cover art by lucasschneiderartblog on Tumblr.