10/14/2012 Life has a funny way of grabbing you and throwing you till you don't know what to think and how to think because you're brainwashed into thinking that you MUST be popular if you are going to have any sense of achievment and when you get there you realize that there really isn't anything specail about you and people will still treat you like crap and still hate you and you won't be smart enough or pretty enough and you'll always be that girl in the corner who is awkwardly funny and will never have a boyfriend because she is a pretty blonde but is actually a curvy hispanic not a mexican like everyone thinks she is and she is actually smarter than you think she just comes off stupid because she is saracastic and peopel dont get that or get that she isn't going to dumb herself down because thats what you like and it ruins her inside because she thinks thats what people what and she just wants to be loved but she won't because she has spoken. Special thanks to msbeautifulnightmare for my cover!<3(CC) Attrib. NonComm. NoDerivs